This Level players take chess seriously and they won’t lose game with normal unorthodox players and this level players will be the chess hero in their small town or schools. So after the kids become serious in chess we will start teaching Endgames First!!
Openings teach you openings. Endgames teach you chess!
- Jose Raul Capablanca
In order to improve your game, you must study the endgame beforeeverything else, for whereas the endings can be studied andmastered by themselves, the middle game and the openingmust be studied in relation to the endgame
Endgame is the main subject and key on this level. Without endgame knowledge you can not complete the game or convert the advantage into a win so we teach more endgame chapters to the children to understand the endgame, “If you improve endgame knowledge your overall game strength will also improve you can gain 200-300 ELOs by studying Endgames “ said by famous chess books author Mark Dvoretsky, If you know endgame well it means that you already have some valuable weapon in your pocket, the advantage you get against your opponent if you know how to play endgame well and your opponent does not.
We teach the endgames depends on the kids level of understanding , Since we started basic endgame in the previous level itself ,we go little deep in Endgames King and Pawn Endgame, Rook endgames, Bishop Endgames and other essential endgames , in simple terms you cannot proceed without knowing the destinations ,likewise without endgame knowledge you cannot become a Good Chess Player. Of course we won’t miss the Tactical and Strategy part also.
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