
91 9566854001



Intermediate 1 & 2 – Experiments starts!! [600 -1000]

After the Advanced beginner level the kids will be advised to go to open tournaments with our guidance, Kids will start fighting with other academy kids in tournaments, from this level the kids should actively participate in all weekend tournaments and should practice regularly, the Experiment part begins from this level, kids will have a mixed result in tournaments.
We teach more Tactics, Checkmating patterns, Motifs, Sacrificing,how to Manoeuvre and all kind of tactical Ideas, We analyse their games and suggest them to implement the tactical ideas in their game. Basic Endgames like King and pawn Endgames, Rook Endgames, and we teach them how to finish the games. And we show some Masters games to follow the ideas and planning. This Level divided into 2 sections Intermediate 1 & 2.

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