
91 9566854001



King Level – Champions[Rating1800 – 2000 ]

A man surprised is half beaten. – Proverb

The Final Level in our Academy , This is the Level your kid should have to focus more on Openings , The Players should create their own opening repertoire, you have to surprise your opponent with new opening moves and must be well updated with latest opening moves that played in the masters level . As in the proverb if your opponent is surprised and struggles in the Opening means your winning chances will be more brighter than your Opponent, this practice is called home preparation you will gain enormous confidence and you will have much time difference(extra time) in your chess clock to gain advantage in the game .The players have to choose the openings depends on the players style of play and their liking of the opening.
Ideally, you should know very well 2-3 openings for white and 2 for Black. The key to advancing to the expert level here is to analyse your own games. After the game, sit down with a chessboard, paper and pen and go over the game move by move writing down thoughts on your own and your opponent’s moves. Only then you may check your game with a chess engines software.
The number #1 mistake chess players make, they either do not analyse their games at all or analyse them by using chess program right away. This is a big mistake which slows down chess progress.The main idea of analysis is not to look at what computer thinks was a good move, but to look for that move yourself! Do the self analysis if you can’t find your mistake ask the Engine or the coach, but don’t ask the engine straight away.
. Also it is great idea to go over GM games and think them over. The best way to go over these high level games is to first go over all the moves without author’s comments and only second time read the comments and annotations. This works great with the openings too. This level you should seriously get in into the opening part.
After this level we advise the kids to go to the Next Level Coaching, We give further guidance for your Improvement.

Old Price: ₹1000.00

New Price: ₹500.00 (50%)